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Crashing Hearts- The Complete Series Page 7

  “It’s sexy,” Keegan said, he lowered his face and kissed Liam’s chest. He licked his tongue over the hair he had just fingered, it felt like tasting a dream. He wondered how hairy this sexy chest would eventually become or if this was all that would ever grow.

  Keegan proceeded to unbutton the rest of Liam’s shirt with sinful fingers to expose a little more of heaven. He pulled the shirt apart, staring down at his sexy friend’s creamy skin. Keegan rubbed Liam’s toned belly, running his fingers along the outline of his abs and the small strip of hair leading below the waistline of Liam’s jeans. Keegan let out an almost animalistic grunt as he grabbed hold of Liam’s bunched crotch, he squeezed through the denim material to feel for his mate’s cock. He hoped for stiffening best but found himself grabbing droopy disappointment. Liam was soft. Keegan let go, he grabbed a little lower and more delicately at Liam’s balls. Even through the material he could feel how generous they were in size.

  Keegan lay back down and kissed Liam on the cheek, he moved his mouth over and bit down on Liam’s bristly chin then slipped his tongue out, licking down his neck, stopping just above his collar bone. Keegan bit down on the firm flesh and began to suck. He kissed and sucked hard, wanting to taste the essence of Liam. As he continued biting down, Keegan let his hand return to Liam’s crotch, squeezing and groping—hoping his mate’s dick would harden and come to life. Liam’s body felt just as limp as his dick and as Keegan went to sit up, he heard Liam begin to snore.

  What the fuck? The guy had fallen asleep on him. How fucking drunk is he? Keegan asked himself. Quite a fucking lot if he said you could touch him. Keegan shook his head, annoyed that another present had been robbed from him. His dick was aching, he felt like he was about to explode and leave a puddle of cum covering the countryside. The dubious desire pumping through his veins, begged him to take care of his needs. Keegan lay flat on his back, unzipping his shorts. He fished into his underwear and groped hold of his horny prick. He squeezed it between his frisky fingers, shuddering. Just as he was about to start wanking beside his best friend, he heard drunken voices creep through the air. They quickly grew louder and were headed right his way.


  Ten Big Mac’s

  Keegan zipped his shorts up, gripped in panic. He scrambled to his feet, standing up, peering down towards the driveway of his grandparents’ house. Two guests were leaving and they were headed straight towards him. He knelt back down and tapped Liam on the shoulder, urging him to wake up, but his mate just kept snoring.

  “Keegan is that you?” said a girl’s voice.

  He spun his head around and saw approaching him was the tall figure of Skippy walking with Cherry. “Yep, it sure is.” Keegan replied, sounding flustered.

  “What the hell are you doing out here?” Cherry asked.

  Keegan pointed at the ground. “Liam here is a bit pissed… well a lot pissed actually and I’m just trying to help get him back inside.”

  Cherry and Skippy came and stood beside him. Cherry began laughing at Liam’s blotto state. “He looks a fucking mess.” She laughed out loud at the pitiful mess of Liam sleeping on the dirt

  Skippy shook his head, smiling. “Oh, this is just classic. What a dumb cunt, sleeping on the side of the road,” He grabbed his cell phone out of his pocket and took a photo. The cameras flash illuminated the scene, blinding Keegan’s eyes momentarily.

  When Skippy looked at the image captured on his phone, he began to roar with laughter.

  “What’s so funny?” Cherry asked.

  “Lover boy here, got lucky!”

  “What?” Keegan said defensively.

  “Check this out.” Skippy turned his phone around to show Cherry and Keegan the photo. Liam’s neck wore a bright red love bit. “He’s got fucking root rash,” Skippy said before laughing some more. He lit his phones screen up and hovered it down above Liam’s face, showing the evidence of passion. Liam choked on a snore as he grumbled at the light being shone in his face. He rolled onto his side and promptly went back to snoring.

  “Oh, that is just tragic,” Cherry giggled. “I don’t think I’ve had a love bite like that since I was thirteen.”

  “I know right,” Skippy agreed. “This baby is going online as soon as I get home. I can’t wait to give him shit about this one.”

  “Maybe it’s best to just delete it ya know,” Keegan said.

  Skippy scoffed at the suggestion. “Oh, come on, man. This is funny. He would do the same to me or you and you know it.”

  Skippy was right. Liam would. Keegan felt his stomach twist in knots, knowing that he was the reason for Liam’s inevitable social media ribbing and humiliation. Why’d I have to fucking kiss you like that? I’m so sorry. The horrific thought that Liam may tell everyone it was him that had given the love bite made Keegan feel sick. He just prayed that Liam wouldn’t rat him out.

  As Skippy and Cherry continued laughing at Liam’s bitten body, Keegan quickly scanned his mind for ways to tell Liam that he wasn’t queer and that it was the booze that made him do it.

  His mind’s arse-saving tactics were cut off by Cherry. “Did you want us to give him a lift home?”

  “But his car is here,” Keegan answered.

  Skippy waved his hand in the air, shooing away Keegan’s concern. “He only lives down the road from me remember. I can bring him back tomorrow to get it.”

  Before Keegan could respond with an excuse as to why Liam should stay here another voice called out to them from the driveway. “Keegan!” It was Tess and she was with Damon.

  Fucking sluts!

  Keegan was glad for the dark so Skippy and Cherry couldn’t see the scowl on his face. Considering how close he had just come for being snapped making out with his straight, unconscious friend, he knew it was best to maintain his cool. He didn’t want some big scene unfolding that could wake Liam up and potentially out him as a love rat himself. Besides, he knew he was a chicken shit, too scared to crash head on into chaos and call Damon and Tess out on their bullshit.

  Keegan waved. “Hey.”

  Tess and Damon casually strolled over to join them all standing around the snoring Liam.

  “What do we have here,” Damon said with a chuckle. He tapped Liam’s leg with his shoe. “You okay there, mate?” Damon looked at the others. “Looks like someone had a good night.”

  “He sure did,” Skippy said. He showed Tess and Damon the image on his phone.

  Tess smiled. “Wow. What is he, thirteen years old?”

  Cherry laughed. “Snap! That’s pretty much what I said.”

  Skippy knelt down beside Liam. “All right buddy, it’s home time.” He looked up at Keegan. “Can you give me a hand with this heavy lump?”

  Damon stepped forward. “Here, I’ll help ya. Keegan’s still growing his muscles, aren’t ya, K dog?”

  Great, first you fuck my girlfriend and now make fun of me. Fuckwit.

  They hoisted Liam to his feet, placing one arm around Skippy’s shoulders and one draped over Damon’s. Liam barely woke up, he mumbled some indecipherable mumbo jumbo as they led him along, feet dragging, towards Skippy’s silver station wagon. Cherry followed after them, singing a happy song to herself.

  Tess shuffled over to stand beside Keegan, reaching out and holding his hand. Keegan felt his skin crawl from the touch of betraying fingers.

  “I’m really sorry but I think I am going to go home,” she said.

  “Oh, okay.” Keegan let go of her hand.

  “Don’t be shitty,” she huffed. “I know I promised you but I’m really tired and I dunno… maybe I’m just not ready for it.”

  Not ready for a second round more like it.

  “I understand,” Keegan muttered.

  “I’ll make it up to you another time.” Tess flicked her hair, smiling seductively.

  Keegan nodded, trying to seem unbothered. “Yeah, sure. No worries.”

  She squeezed his hand and leaned forward to kiss him but he turned his face away.<
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  “Oh, don’t be like that,” she purred. “Give me a kiss goodbye.”

  Keegan reluctantly turned his face. Tess pressed her lips to his and slipped her tongue inside. She kissed him deep and passionately, leaking moans of pleasure into his mouth before pulling her face back gently. “I love how you’re such a good kisser,” she said, trying to butter him up. As she smiled at him, hiding her deceit, the grotesque thought occurred to him that she would have had Damon’s tongue in her mouth moments before. Maybe even his fucking cock! Keegan turned away, discretely wiping his mouth clean.

  “So I will give you a call tomorrow okay, babe?” Tess stared at him with wide innocent eyes.

  “Okay.” He coughed up a forced smile. “Is Asha taking you home?”

  “Uh… no.” Tess tugged on her hair. “She’s still down at the bonfire and not ready to leave, so your uncle said he would give me a ride home.”

  The sack of shit who just ate you like a smorgasbord, isn’t my fucking uncle!

  “That’s good of him,” Keegan said, his tone hiding the sarcasm of his response. “But isn’t he over the limit to drive?”

  “Nar, I’m all good,” Damon called out. He was walking back to join them. He jingled his keys in his pocket. “I only had a couple tonight, so I don’t mind. I figured I’d stop off at McDonalds and grab myself a feed.”

  Keegan knew there would be no burgers being ordered. “Did you want me to come with you? I fancy myself a big mac now that you mention it.” He watched their faces carefully, knowing he was about to witness lies in the making.

  “How about I bring you a couple back, K dog.” Damon smiled at him. “My treat. Besides you’re the host, buddy. You can’t be ditching your own party.”

  “He’s right,” Tess said. She walked back over and gave Keegan another kiss.

  You really better not have sucked his cock.

  “Yeah I guess I should stay here,” Keegan said.

  The sound of a noisy motor starting, zoomed through the air. The lights of Skippy’s station wagon came to life and the vehicle tooted at them as it went past. Cherry waved from the passenger window, behind her in the backseat was Liam with his face smooshed against the window, sleeping.

  Keegan began heading back towards the house with Tess and Damon. When they got to the driveway, Damon clicked his keys which made his flash sports car beep twice, unlocking it.

  “I’ll call you tomorrow,” Tess said as she hopped into the car.

  “I shouldn’t be too long,” Damon said. He opened the driver’s side door and smiled back at Keegan.

  Keegan nodded, clenching his teeth. “Cool. Cheers for taking Tess home, Damon. I appreciate it.”

  “No worries. I’ll get her home in one piece, don’t you worry. She’s in good hands.” Damon sat down in the car and turned the engine on.

  Keegan started to walk away, Damon’s words burning his pride. He spun back on his heels, turning back to face the car. “Hey Damon.”

  Damon wound down his window. “Yeah?”

  “I’m actually fucking starving, could you make it ten big macs?”

  Damon’s eyes bulged at the ludicrous request but his polite manner didn’t falter. He simply grinned and nodded his head obligingly. “Absolutely. Not a problem, Mr. Hollow Legs.” He wound the window up and drove off.

  If you’re gonna fuck my girlfriend, then I’ll fuck your wallet.

  Keegan dragged his feet up the driveway, heading back to the party feeling defeated. Not sad but shattered by broken promises that had ruined his night.

  He randomly conjured up the image of Garth asking him to kiss his leg better, perhaps he should have. Maybe then Keegan could have gone back and ask for a kiss to heal his pride.


  Straight As An Arrow

  After Tess and Damon had left him behind in the driveway he had returned to the bonfire where the remaining partyers continued to revel through the night. By then though, he had just wanted everyone to piss off home so he could get on with feeling sorry for himself. But like a trooper he put on a smile and feigned interest in celebrating his day of days.

  By 4 a.m. the last of the guests had left when the bonfire had reduced itself to miniscule, glowing embers. Keegan was still waiting on his ten big macs—Damon was no doubt waylaid giving Tess a different kind of big mac. When he finally made his way back up to the house, his mum was sat on the front porch, barely awake, talking with Garth.

  The rough guest had his burnt jeans back on, his face carrying a smile like he’d never come close to being burned alive. When he saw Keegan approaching, he rose up from his chair and smiled, baring sharp, jagged teeth that despite their crookedness, somehow suited him. In a weird way this feature added to the strange, rough x-factor the guy had.

  “Good timing, Keegan,” Garth greeted him.

  Keegan was impressed Garth remembered his name. “Oh, why’s that?”

  “Joel is finally on his way to pick me up, so I’m just leaving.”

  Keegan’s mum got up from her seated spot and let out a loud yawn, stretching her arms high. “Okay, boys, I’m off to bed to grab that ever allusive beauty sleep.” She walked over and kissed Keegan on the cheek. “Good night, love, and happy birthday.” She looked over at Garth. “And if I ever have a night out again in my life, I’ll be sure to drop by the tavern.” She waved goodnight and went inside leaving Keegan and Garth outside alone.

  “The tavern?” Keegan asked confused.

  “Where I work,” Garth replied.

  “I thought you worked with Joel?” Keegan said, his voice coming across all too untrusting and a tad surly.

  Garth laughed at his suspicion. “Calm your farm, bro. There is such a thing as having two jobs ya know.”

  “True,” Keegan said, reeling in his aggressive tone.

  “Yeah, I work full time with Joel, but on the weekends I moonlight as a stripper at the tavern.”

  “You what?” Keegan’s mouth dropped open.

  “I’m joking, doofus.” Garth shook his head and grinned. “Fuck you’re a gullible one. But I do have the goods to strip, don’t ya think?”

  “I wouldn’t know.”

  Garth narrowed his hazel eyes and leaned his face forward to whisper, “I caught you checking my arse out earlier. So you should be a good judge.”

  Keegan felt his knees get weak from the shock. “No, I didn’t! I’m not like that.”

  Garth shrugged. “Bro, your eyes were practically fucking me when I was bent over. I should of turned around and let you get a better view. I promise I look better from the front.” He laughed. “It’s all good though. I don’t care what way you swing. I’m sorta flattered, to be honest.”

  Keegan rolled his eyes. “Firstly, I didn’t check you out; secondly, why would you be flattered?”

  “I’m flattered by anybody who thinks I’m cute.”

  Keegan looked inside to make sure his mum wasn’t nearby. He looked back at Garth and whispered, “Are you gay?”

  Garth shook his head. “Nope, never been with a dude. As far as I know, I’m as straight as an arrow,” he said nonchalantly. “But who knows what the future holds. Some arrows can bend if pulled properly, so I’ve been told.”

  “Yeah, well… my arrow doesn’t bend,” Keegan said defensively, desperate to keep his secret.

  Garth looked him in the eyes apologetically. “Sorry, Keegan. I didn’t mean to offend you. I must have got my wires crossed.”

  He liked hearing Garth say his name. “If you’re straight why are you so keen for me to be gay?”

  “One of my good mate’s is gay. I thought I’d play match maker.”

  Keegan laughed. “Maybe you can find a gay dude for him at the next party you go to?”

  “Maybe,” Garth raised his eyebrows. “It’s a pity though. He would have shouted me drinks for life if I’d fixed him up with a guy like you.”

  Keegan felt like blushing. “A guy like me?”

  “Have you even seen what you
look like?” Garth’s eyes scoured the length of Keegan’s body. “I’m comfortable enough to easily say, you’re a fucking stud.”

  Keegan looked down at his feet, smiling. He felt his wounded ego humming. No one had ever called him a “stud” before. Such high praise was usually reserved for guys who looked like Liam.

  Garth spotted his bashful grin. “And you look even better when you smile. You should smile more.”

  Keegan couldn’t believe Garth was ballsy enough to dish out such gay compliments. Mind you, if Keegan had been the type to react badly, Garth looked more than feisty enough to put up a fight.

  “Thanks,” Keegan said, grateful for the comments.

  “You’re welcome, bro. It would be hard for you not to be good-looking considering how fucking hot your mother is.” Garth bit down on his lip. “She is crazy hot for a mum. I was hoping she’d give me a kiss goodnight too.”

  Keegan cringed like he had a bad taste in his mouth. “Okay, not something I need to hear.”

  “But I bet you hear it all the time from your mates, am I right?” Garth raised his head up and down slowly.

  Keegan smiled at Garth’s insight.

  “Thought so. You look a lot like her, but I think she has nicer tits than you.” Garth shot him a cheeky grin.

  Keegan put a hand over his mouth to stop a loud laugh escaping his lips. “Fuck, we should have pushed you back in the fire.”

  “You saw for yourself, the fire was no match for anything this hot.” Garth wiggled his eyebrows, giving a slight nod of his head.

  “Born to the house of Targaryen, obviously,” Keegan humored him. He looked down at Garths leg. “How’s it feeling?”

  “Yeah, it’s fine. I think I may have singed a few leg hairs but otherwise I’ll live to die another day.” Garth patted his pants pocket. He dove his hand inside and pulled out his phone. “What’s your number?”

  Keegan frowned. “Are you absolutely sure it’s not you that’s looking for a guy and not some imaginary mate?” Keegan teased.

  “You wish, Keegan.” Garth looked down at his phone, scrolling through his contacts. “I was gonna swap numbers with you, so that when you come in to town next—if you drop by the river tavern—I’ll shout you a drink. You know, as a way to say thank you for letting me crash in your bed.”